Three Myths about Controlled Crying: What the Child Sleep ‘Experts’ Don’t Know
Controlled crying is a controversial technique, and with good reason as it is highly distressing for both parent and child, and has some potentially damaging effects that are not yet fully understood. Unfortunately, however, it remains a staple in the tool kit of many self-proclaimed ‘experts’ who (unknowingly) misguide parents with faulty assumptions and misinformation about child sleep behaviour. There is a lot I could cover here but, in the interests of keeping this short, I’ve tackled 3 common myths that are perpetuated by child sleep consultants, but that parents should be wise to when considering any sleep training method. These are outlined below:
Five Reasons I don’t Recommend the Parenting Advice on Channel 10’s New Show: Toddlers Behaving (Very) Badly.
The first episode of the new series “Toddlers Behaving (Very) Badly” aired on Channel 10 the other week, and I finally had the chance to watch it on catch up. As a proponent of gentle parenting, I watched the first episode with great interest and, not surprisingly, I found myself at odds with a lot of the advice given…. Well, all of it actually.
Here’s why:
Busting 8 Myths About Seeing a Psychologist.
Are you thinking of therapy but wondering if maybe it isn’t for you? You’re not alone. For many, the idea of seeing a psychologist can be quite unnerving. This isn’t surprising given that going to therapy presents us with the rather usual situation of opening up to a complete stranger within minutes of meeting them – an idea that may not sit well with many of us.
7 Ways of Coping with Social Distancing
With the rise of COVID-19, people all over the world are now faced with several new challenges; one of which is social distancing. While critical for slowing the rate of infection, avoiding all nonessential contact with family and friends is not something that comes naturally to most of us.